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Success In Building
R’ Zushe received the good news and immediately went to the home of Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi a”h, the Rav of Kfar Chabad.
He told the Rav about the Rebbe’s instruction to build a Palace, and to ask a Rav in Eretz Yisrael. After hearing all the details, and understanding that this is what the Rebbe wanted, Rav Ashkenazi said they should begin building with joy, and in a good and auspicious time.
Armed with the Rav’s blessings, Mrs. Rivkin passed by the Rebbe for “Dollars”, and told the Rebbe that the Rav gave his approval.
The Rebbe was happy and gave her an extra dollar. “As the Rav instructed, so shall you do, and with great success. Blessing and success.”
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