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A House? A Palace!

It was in 1978 that R’ Zushe Rivkin, a Chossid from Kfar Chabad, came up with the idea.


Plans For The Palace

R’ Zushe heard the Rebbe’s response in utter surprise. He had requested to build a home, yet this was the Rebbe’s incredible answer.


The Rebbe Approves

Nearly ten and a half years went by, with R’ Zushe repeatedly requesting to commence the building.


Success In Building

R’ Zushe received the good news and immediately went to the home of Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi a”h, the Rav of Kfar Chabad.


Build Near 770 Replica

R’ Zushe approached the Vaad of Kfar Chabad and asked them for suggestions as to where the Palace should be located.


The Groundbreaking

During the farbrengen (Chassidic gathering) that Shabbos, the Rebbe gave a bottle of mashke (vodka) for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Palace.


The Cornerstone

Word about the groundbreaking leaked out without advertising, and hundreds of Lubavitchers from all over the country attended the event.


Blessing & Success

Zev Marganit, the world-renowned architect, who drew a detailed blueprint of the Palace went to Kfar Chabad in order to assess the lot and determine precisely where, near the 770 replica, it should be located.


The Rebbe's Special Dollars

In 5738 (1978), the year in which the idea of building a palace for the Rebbe first arose, construction of the “Beis Menachem” shul in Kfar Chabad, named for the Rebbe, was completed.


The Mezuzos

According to the plans of the architect, there needs to be eighty mezuzos for all doorways and doorposts at the palace.

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