Torah Sources & Halachic Perspective

אין מלך בלא עם
There Is No King Without A Nation
When a Jew initiates a connection to Hashem, expressing a deep love for Him, it brings a tremendous Nachas Ruach (pleasure) and merits an effusion of G-dly revelations.
It was Nachshon ben Aminadav’s unquestioning Emunah to Moshe Rabbeinu’s words, which led him to jump into the sea and brought about the miracles of the splitting of the sea.
We witnessed also how when the Jews were impure and unable to bring Korban Pesach, it was their deep disappointment and heartfelt plea that ultimately granted them a second chance, meriting Pesach Sheini.
Now too, we have an opportunity to express our deepest desire and yearning for a revealed connection to Hashem, as will be manifest with the complete revelation of Moshiach Tzidkeinu.
Through adhering to the words of the Nossi of the generation, we can show our readiness for Geulah, and by physically preparing a palace for Malchus Bais Dovid, we have an opportunity to initiate that love and desire.